Who knew what beautiful places there was just ten minutes drive from our house? It has taken us a while but we have found a few and they are certainly beautiful. We went out so our number one and only son could have a swim in the rock holes, and though there is not as much water there as there is after the wet season it was still enough. Mum had never been there so it was nice for her to put her feet in and the water though low is very clear.
Must say I would not submerge my entire body in there as it is so cold, just having your feet in drops your body temperature. I will go in in the height of summer but of course my body temperature is high and the water feels so cold. As my partner in crime and life sometimes says, I am a big girl and should toughen up, oh well, there are some things I will allow myself to be a wimp about and throwing my body into freezing cold water is one of them.
On Sunday we went out for ice cream and this is a beautiful spot, and yes it is also only ten minutes drive from home. You can swim, canoe, picnic, BBQ or just look at the views while eating ice cream, it is lovely spot.
So today we are going slightly north to another beach, we are going to pack a bit of a picnic and go to a beach we haven't been to for a while, though I guess beaches are much the same, still, different in my head. We will have walk on the beach and try not to get sunburned, maybe think about having a swim, it will be warmer than the creek that is for sure.
While our number one and only son is swimming or collecting shells and generally mucking about, I usually take a bit of crocheting with me or a book to read, something I don't have to concentrate on too much while keeping him in sight. It is nice to kick back for a bit and not think about the work to be done at home, and it will be nice for mum on her last day before she goes home.
It is good having all these places so close, school holidays are hard, trying to keep kids occupied, but kids will always swim so these places close to us are great. You don't need to be out all day, just a few hours, and it doesn't need to cost much, pack a picnic and off you go for a short drive, gets everyone out of the house for a while. So, had best go cut up some pineapple and make some sandwiches so we can go.
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