Another warm day here and I think we skipped spring (if there is such a thing as spring in the tropics) and went straight to summer with worse to come with the humidity.
Our morning started with the usual walk, and looking down the road we could see the haze of smoke under the street lights and of course the smell was in the air. When we got to the beach we saw a beautiful sunrise, a haze of grey then pink/orange/yellow stretched out across the horizon, it was lovely, all because there was fire on one of our mountains.
Yesterday morning, my partner in crime and life pointed out the International Space Station as it sped across the morning sky, and sped it did, I think it was six minutes for it to go from horizon to horizon. It looked just like a large star that was moving quite fast, and then last night when we all went for a walk we saw a smaller satellite, not so bright and you had to have fairly good eyes to see it in the first place. Two in one day, when normally we would see nothing. The place to check these things out is
Today, apart from teaching a Tai Chi class, I made Rocky Road (for a 12year old who wanted it on a whim after seeing it on TV) and a Date Loaf/Cake for which I must thank my friend Joan. She brought it to my Tai Chi workshop last week and then gave me what was left to take home, my partner in crime and life loved it and requested that I get the recipe from Joan. I am sure she won't mind me sharing so here it is (and it is yum)
Date Loaf/Cake
Place in a basin - 4 crushed weetbix
1 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon bicarb soda
1 1/2 cup diced dates and 1/2 cup ginger
1 cup hot coffee or water
Soak for one hour the add
1 cup SR flour
1 egg
Cook for one hour at 180 degrees
Really easy, and Joan says she uses the coffee instead of water to give extra flavour and she also puts in more ginger than it says as she likes ginger.
Anyway thank you Joan, great cake which I managed not to burn and will be making again.
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