Some days I just don't seem to get anything done at all, yesterday was one of those days, but it was still a good day, we just didn't do anything at home.
Our number one and only son and myself went to visit a friend to return a borrowed item and then we all went to one of our local swimming holes for a swim. It was lovely and the water was very cold and fresh. We hadn't been to this spot before (you know, live somewhere for years and never visit the local area) so it was good to see, there are so many spots so close to home and it is a shame we haven't made the effort before this.
So we had a lovely time with my friend, who also gave me some leftover calico so I can make a Christmas pudding, which I am going to get onto today after a general cleanup. It is a recipe I haven't made before so I will see how I go.
It is funny how sometimes you don't see people people for months and then run into then a couple of times. Last week ran into one of my friend's from Tai Chi and her husband, had a huge chat, haven't seen him for ages and then the next day ran into him again at the markets. Then yesterday ran into another friend I haven't seen for months had another huge catch-up chat and then ran into her again a bit later, yet haven't laid eyes on her for so long. Weird how that happens :)
My partner in crime and life came home a little early yesterday so he finished helping the neighbour give new life to his boat trailer and then we did some more house painting. Little by little it is getting done and it looks really good, our house is an old one but looks good with some paint and freshening up.
So best go and do the million squillion things on my list and later on visit another friend, if she is home, and later on this arvo go to another different swimming spot (we are doing the rounds). Maybe some of those million squillion things will have to be done tomorrow :)