We have had a busy weekend. Saturday we went and looked at some property, the one we really like we think is overpriced but we really like, so chances are we won't get that one but you never know.
The other property was only twenty minutes from the nearest town but was down a really long dirt track through four or five creeks and over a river. Twenty years ago we probably would have just moved out there and lived in the bush, but now we think a lot about getting to work and school and how hard it would be to clear. It was good to go see and it was a great area just too remote and no power, would have to put on solar power.
So the search continues and we have about three other properties to check out hopefully on Sunday (who would be a Real Estate agent, their hours are really bad), two are vacant land and the other is slightly less acreage but already has a house and shed.
On Sunday we went kayaking, trying to find a place that is away from the boats and jet skis proved slightly difficult, and it was windy and choppy. Doesn't look very busy in the photos but the boats and jet skis were there, we had fun but will find somewhere closer to home for our regular kayaking.
Every year our local sports club puts on a Christmas party, all the kids get presents and lollies, there are free rides, music and everyone has a good time. We find it is a time to catch up with people we haven't seen for a while and just relax, so Saturday was the party and we enjoyed it though never stay too long (we get peopled out). Parachuters landed on the school oval which is next to the sports club and the kids (and adults) love watching them come in, I am sure sure Santa parachuted in one year but this year he arrived on a bike and with much fanfare.
Today I have made White Christmas and Pumpkin Fruit cake (with the last of my homegrown pumpkin)to give away to my Tai Chi friends, the last couple of years I have made up little parcels with chocolate spiders and chocolate balls but this year I thought I would change. Now I just have to find the cellophane and curling ribbon which I think is more effort than cooking, and hope that White Christmas looks like this, guess I had better try it before I give it away, it was a school recipe from our number one and only son.
Have my last classes of Tai Chi this week, really it is just tomorrow and Thursday we just do a bit a Tai Chi to say we did it and then we have lunch. Everyone brings a plate of food and we all sit around eating and talking, and there is usually enough food to feed an army and most is homemade, though one lady said she only knows how to make Tim Tams :)
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