So yesterday was just catching up on the housework I didn't do on the weekend, but it was just so hot it was difficult to do. So mid afternoon I took our number one and only son to the creek for a swim. There isn't much water in it at the moment but it is still very cold and I refuse to put in more than my feet :)
It is a lovely spot, very popular with lots of people going there and only about ten minutes from home. Unfortunately, when we move up the mountain we won't be so close but hopefully it also won't be so hot up there :) and we will have other distractions.
I finally got my partner in crime and life to cut down our bunch of bananas, and it is a beauty. I have been refusing to buy bananas as we have our own, and now they are down we will have to eat them up, they ripen quite quickly once they are cut.
This morning (once our number one and only son eventually gets out of bed), we are going to visit a friend to return a jigsaw puzzle and go to another swimming hole for a swim. I told my friend that our number one and only son said he wanted to go visit her and would love a swim, what he actually said in his pre-teen, one word sentence way was "cool", though I know how to interpret his language so I know just what he meant :p
So, we are going to take the ham and cheese muffins I made yesterday arvo (even though I left out one ingredient they still are good) and also the chocolate biscuits I made at the same time. I had never made these before and they are a bit soft but yummy, so of course we will eat them anyway, but I won't bother to make them again. Then again, my cooking is sometimes questionable, I can make a double batch of something, at the same time, and both batches turn out different :)
I did however, make a great meatloaf last night, I normally am not a meatloaf person but this was really good and the men in my life LOVE meatloaf (obviously a man thing). The secret ingredient was chutney, I have got no idea what sort of chutney or how old it was, but it was homemade, not by me, and made the meatloaf wonderful, and we are not dead yet and our number one and only son is having it for breakfast. Guess I will have to make another one.
Today we will also be going to get our turkey and ham, I wasn't going to, being all Christmas resistant and all, but I changed my mind, a women's prerogative. We were just going to have prawns and salad for Christmas lunch, while we are out kayaking, and then we go to our neighbours (guess we are this year too, it is an every year thing) who always have enough to feed and army and they always invite an eclectic group of people. However, if I get turkey, that will keep our number one and only son happy and a ham will feed us for days, including ham and eggs everyday :) yummo.
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