I finally have a clothesline, it is very exciting. We bought a Hills hoist so my clothes can spin around in the middle of the paddock, but must say they are quite flimsy compared to the old ones.
It is quite light, being made of aluminium with plastic bits and moves around a bit. The old ones (which are my favourites) are quite strong and sturdy and I am sure nothing can rip them out of the ground, now wishing we had of thought to find a way to rip our old one out at the other house and put the new one in there :) Hindsight is twenty twenty.
Of course what happens when you put up a new clothesline? It rains :o So I haven't been able to use it until today, so hopefully it won't rain when I am out this morning and the washing will dry on a proper clothesline, sort of :)
The other day we made a sour dough bread starter. Having done a bit of research and reading about what others have said we decided to give this a go.
It is very simple and so far seems to be working. We have to feed it every day, tipping out half and then feeding it more, so we will see how it goes, we are looking forward to making sour dough bread next weekend :)
Yesterday in the mail I received a pastry mat from my mum. Obviously some of my kitchen habits go against the grain for some of the older generation :) so now I can save my bench a bit when rolling out pastries and dough, I will try it our this week by making mini apple pies. Thanks mum :)
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