Well, we still seem to be connected, so I will try and put some photos up, we only have one signal bar, we really need two for this to work (of course five would be better) but if one will work today I am going to take it.
Our other house is now finished and there are some people who want to rent it so that is good. It has taken us a while to do but we have done it alone, while trying to keep two places afloat, on weekends and after work for my partner in crime and life. So we are looking forward to this week as it will be the first week when he can come straight home after work and our weekends our now our own YAY :)
Our new and exciting place (that we will now have time for) is slowly looking habitable, we have a list as long as your arm of things to do once we have money again :) Things like a clothesline (that will be soon), paving, improving the outdoor shower, vege garden, building our number one and only son a room, carports, another rainwater tank off the veranda and whole stack off other things.
One thing I can cross off the list is recovering the benches on the veranda, they have been driving me crazy, so now they are fixed. Amazing what some material and a staple gun can do. There is also enough material left over to make wheat bags for this winter (pretty sure we are going to need those) and to cover my reading chair.
Actually, the benches once belonged to my parents and they were around when I was very young, I remember getting a large Easter egg one year when I was about seven or eight. I was so excited about it because it was a big one, and I then put it down on one of the benches that now adorn our veranda and of course it rolled off and smashed :( That is the only reason I remember how old they are :) so about thirty five years, give or take :)
My reading chair came from my in-laws quite a few years ago when they were working in Sydney, and is an old but comfy chair that I have recovered, but now I have a handy dandy staple gun, I can redo it better.
We now have to develop a new system for bottling beer because of the water situation, so we are going to wash in bore water (outside in the shell pool, very sophisticated)then rinse in rain then bottle. There is nothing wrong with the bore water just hard and not very nice, but clean, so we use that for the main washing and than continue.
We actually brewed two batches for the first time, but that is because we have no beer but bought beer and that is expensive, so in a week or so we will have home breww ready to drink.
So that is us for now, hopefully the internet will continue to improve and stay connected, not even going to discuss the issues, and not even sure how we have the internet but we do so I am not going to talk to loud about it in case it goes away :)
So here is hoping for some more rain for our tanks, hope all those people hit by the cyclone get their power and their places cleaned up without too much trouble, and hope all is well in your world :))
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