I think I might actually be back online. Last night I was hanging off the peak of our roof helping my partner in crime and life attach an antenna so we could receive more than one bar (reception wise). So now we have two bars and that, it seems, is all we need to receive good reception. Though of course my partner in crime and life wants to eventually make it much taller, not sure why, guess it is man thing, everything must be bigger, faster, taller, smaller.
We look like the Beverly Hillbilly's at the moment. You know when they are in their truck, piled high with trunks and furniture and Granny sitting in her chair on the top. Well, that is our house at the moment (without Granny) and today it is worse because the shipping container we ordered arrives today so we had to empty the other one so it can be moved. So lots of things piled up on the veranda and out the back and my partner in crime and life isn't sure why we bother to lock up as there is so much outside.
Our other house is slowly getting tidied up, we have decided to rent it rather than try and sell it. It is still taking longer than we hoped to get organised with it all and my partner in crime and life is working very hard to get it done, we are finding it a bit hard trying to stay on top of everything, get that place done, get things done here running up and down the mountain to do the school run while the bus is off the road (couldn't have happened at a worse time for us with everything going on)and do the regular stuff like washing and cooking. However, when it is all finished with it will be worth it and we will be able to get on with things like gardens and stuff and just being here.
We have finally put away the camping chairs, we now have a lounge to sit on but can barely cook in the kitchen as there is so much in there and we have to look through twenty cupboards before we find that thing we are looking for. I guess it will get organised in time, and hope no-one wants to visit too soon as not sure where the tea is :)
But the sunsets are worth it, and so are the sunrises with the flock of white cockatoos that we disturb when we walk past. This is what we have always wanted and when we have done the initial hard yards we can really enjoy being here :)
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