I was having a look at my top garden today and it really is a mess, though it does have edible things in it. I haven't done anything to it for ages, like months, but it still is growing, I would like to think that is good planning but it is more like good luck.
This top garden is actually overgrown with Gota Kola which is a ground cover and spreads like crazy and is good for arthritis and we add to green salads. Isabel Shipard has a few pages in her book "How Can I Use Herbs in my Daily Life" on this herb, a good read.
The other things in this messy garden are Garlic Chives (no idea how they survived all this time), Chinese Kale, Chilli bush (in the pot), random cherry tomato, Betel Leaf(good for arthritis, headache and joint pain), Kang Kong (Water Spinach), Paw Paw and Abika (New Guinea Spinach, if it grows from the cuttings I planted the other day).
The Mulberry tree next to this garden has a lot of fruit on it this year and we just stand out there and eat them off the tree, so sweet. Next to the mulberry is the sweet leaf, which is beside the Barbados Cherry, which we also just eat straight off the tree. So it is very easy to go out into the garden with a bowl and pick the leaves off different things and come back with a bowl of salad greens, so fresh and yum.
Well, best go and organise dinner, mainly dessert, and maybe have a swing in the hammock :)
ReplyDeleteI am new to gardening and I have bought a kind of a stick looking like a piece of frangipane on a market. They said it is a New Guinea spinach and that in time leaves will grow along the stick and I have to pick up the leaves to make a salad. I search the net, that is why I found your site. Looking at your picture of N.G. spinach that doesn't look at all with what I bought.Yours look more like a tree with red fruits or am I mistaken? Can you help?