The rain we have had this week has been great but now the grass is growing, can't be happy can we, and I also can't start the whipper snipper. It is too hot for many things to grow at this time of year so I haven't done much in the garden but it does need a tidy up. The pigeon peas have fallen over in the rain and taken the passionfruit with it, so that needs cutting back too. However in looking around all is not lost.
Another bunch of bananas was discovered while our visitor was here, I didn't see it as it was on the other side of the plant, so far not as big as the other one but you never know, it has time (not that I know anything about the life cycle of bananas).
The lime tree seems to be flowering with a vengeance and of course the flowers smell lovely. The orange tree in a pot has three oranges on it, the only one we got last year was the best orange I had ever tasted, they don't look very flash but they are very tasty. The lemon tree, also in a pot, is looking a bit sad but has quite a few lemons, probably should fertilise them.
I missed the coffee bush flowering, well I was aware but didn't look really close, so now it has coffee beans on it. We have a lot in the freezer and we really need to process them, I have the instructions and it seems pretty straight forward, so maybe after this lot has turned red and I remember to pick them I will process them. Thing is, I am not a coffee drinker so I don't have a lot of motivation to do it, but I should just to see if I can, then my partner in crime and life can tell me if it tastes any good.
The mulberry tree is on the last of it's fruit but the barbados cherry is flowering, and the mangoes are coming along except the bats are now getting in and eating them. They need to ripen up quickly so we can pick them. Also the galangal (which is like ginger) is flowering, this is the first time I have seen it do that.
The rain is bringing out the green tree frogs and we have a couple of big ones around, however it is the babies that I love to see, they are so tiny and cute, I get quite a few in the vege garden.
Well, after having a bit of a whinge about how the garden isn't producing much, it really is when I look at. We can still go out into the garden and pick greens for a salad (sweet leaf, abika, kang kong, mushroom plant, betel leaf, spring onion, chives, gota kola) and the fruit trees are producing. So I feel better now, I like knowing I can feed the family to a degree from our garden, and soon we will be eating mangoes, bananas, passion fruit and maybe drinking coffee, well, no coffee for me :)
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