The star of my blog today is my very talented friend who has given me my birthday present early (though she is naughty for doing so). She made me this wonderful gardening apron with lovley large pockets on the front to put my stuff in. I had actually been thinking about something like this, though this is WAY better than I had in mind.
So now I feel very slack as I haven't even made a little bag for my new mobile phone and pretty much have done no craft at all, actually, none. I have so many plans but have done none of them, so once again, I am determined to get my act together.
The apron is something that I will use all the time, though I am worried about getting it dirty as it is so beautiful, wonder if it is possible to garden without getting too dirty?
Talking about gardening, I am about to start on the third row of garden. Yesterday I went and bought blocks, and in the next couple of days when I have the time I will go and get a trailer load of dirt.
This week the pump of the septic system went, the switch was turned off so the alarm didn't go off but the light was on. This is very bad as it is very expensive to fix, actually not fix, replace. Haven't actually got the bill yet (they are very prompt with the fixing as you can't go without a septic system for long) but it will be about $700.
From what I understand this is the pump that pumps the processed grey/black water up to water the area of paddock where the pipes are. Yes, it is very green there :) So the other side of the system was still working just not the pump, it had actually been getting louder and louder since we moved here, and this pump had better last a long time.
So it is now the school holidays. I don't have to get up in the dark, and the other day (though I felt very guilty) I stayed in my PJ's till nearly lunchtime, and when the postlady came to deliver a package on Tuesday I was still in bed reading.
However, despite all this school holidays do have a down side. As I am out of routine and probably a bit more relaxed I always feel like I am coming down with something, I am always tireder (is that a word?) and this week my back has gone out in a big way so I have bitten the bullet and am going to see my Chiropractor early.
My Tai Chi classes go on as usual, people are away, some have returned, one friend has just returned from gallavanting around the UK so we are awaiting all the photos. The hall has a lovely breeze going through it at the moment with all the windows open so doing Tai Chi there is great.
The hall is gorgeous to do Tai Chi or anything in and this time of the year especially, due to the weather and it has lovely wooden floors that are way better than cement. It is a hall that was built by the community in the 1950's and so has a lot of history and atmosphere. We have spent a lot of time there over the years, it was where I first started my classes, been to school dances, our number one and only son goes to Warhammer there and various other things. I love it.
So, I had better go water the garden, we haven't actually got anything to eat out of it yet except some leaves but I am very optimistic about the future :)
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