We ate our first strawberry the other day and it was really good. Pity there are no more. There are some flowers coming on but they are a way off yet, and one pot of plants is looking better than the other, but I can't figure out why.
So, I guess I had better feed them and talk to them more :)
The garden in is going along well but still no actual food to eat from it yet. My partner in crime and life is concerned that if there is some emergency and we had to live off the garden, that he would have to survive on herbs and leaves :) Though I do think the beetroot is getting close :P
I am going to start some seeds of in seedling pots and peat pots. My friend gave me some peat pots with the gardening apron so I am inspired to do this more. I am usually too lazy and just sew straight into the garden but would like to get some started in pots.
The only thing is mice have taken some of the peat pots so I am going to try an old food over and see if that keeps them out. If not I will have to think of something else.
Well, nearly time to go split some wood for the fire. Haven't split any for a bit and we are getting low so I had better do it today so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Just trying to manage my time better :)
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