Friday, June 18, 2010

Our stove is going along really well and the most important thing is the beer is now bubbling. We have officially run out of beer and the last lot of home brew took a month to be ready to bottle as it was too cold for it. The new batch is bubbling away nicely so I am sure it will be ready to bottle a lot sooner than the last lot (which will make my partner in crime and life very happy).

I made some windbreaks for the garden yesterday afternoon in the hope that the gardens will pick up a bit. The wind has been a bit vicious for the garden and some things are suffering so hopefully this will do the trick.

I bought some cheap shade cloth and had some old tomato stakes in the shed. A staple gun is so handy for many things and more staples are now on the shopping list :)

Our number one and only son said that they actually look like gardens now, so I guess I am professional now :p NOT :)

So today I am going to hook up the trailer and go and get some more blocks to build more gardens, and then go get some dirt. I still have plants screaming out to be put in a garden so off I will go, just wish I could back a trailer :P

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