Another foggy morning today, who knew you could get so much fog in the tropics. I could hardly see the road, and there were people who didn't have their headlights on, others whose lights barely worked and others who only had their park lights on that barely did anything in a heavy fog. So gotta be careful on the roads for a while till the fog clears.
I made a peanut butter slice the other day but I am not going to post the recipe as it is evil. It is so yum that you can't help eating heaps and you (as in me) shouldn't eat it at all, it is so unhealthy it is wrong so I will not put the recipe out there :P
The chokos now seem to be powering along, and once they started growing and putting out little tendrils onto the fence, each morning they seem a little bigger. I am pretty sure that talking to them helps :)
Well, I will be doing some mowing today and not sure what else but maybe some cooking if I feel like it. What I actually want to make is trifle, I was over on this blog yesterday and there was trifle and peach crumble, oh yum. Also check out her blog about her million dollar challenge very good.
However, I really need to make some healthy things despite the call of trifle, but I will still make it sometime in the very near future :)
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