So packing can begin in earnest now, with only a week before school begins we have to be mostly up there in our shed as that is where our number one and only son will be catching the bus from. I have all the school stuff (I think) except for shoes and must pick up his textbooks on Monday. I think that is all that is on the list.
I also must hurry and decide where to put my hammock, it is a very important decision and one that must be made carefully. Where-ever it initially goes, it will probably have to come back down when we finish off the veranda, each side will be extended across the entire front.
We will also be putting up an extra room/shed for our number one and only son as his bedroom (which I am sure he will love being a nearly teenager) with a tank off it. The tank will be a bit smaller than the other one and have a tap on it for use outside use, may as well catch that water too. The house will be put on hold for the time being till we can agree on what we actually want.
Another large rainwater tank will be put at the back of the main shed to catch the water from the veranda (when it is done), you can never have too much water and why let it fall to the ground and be wasted? I read somewhere that we already have a free catchment area and just need the tank for storage, the area is the roof, and it catches an incredible amount of water. For every 1mm of rain on 1 square metre of roof catches you 1 litre of water, you could catch a lot of water :)
Well, better go and do some serious packing so we can take another trailer load up tomorrow before the big push on the weekend. So much to do and so much fun to be had :) I think :)
Have enjoyed reading your blog very much and catching up with where you are at !! So happy for you 3 ! What a good idea to build one and only son own space and only son space collect water too! Good one Sifu ! Looking forward to seeing you soon, with love and Happy 2010, Robyn.