Haven't blogged in about ten days as my mum has been visiting and I realised that I have to blog in private. Don't know why, I just have to. So now she has reassured herself that we are not living in a tent and knows that we go to bed early, get up in the dark and have a snake living in the roof, she has gone home.
While here mum got me an early birthday present of a Carombola tree, a trailer load of dirt, chives, marigolds and when we went to the markets, a dwarf mulberry tree. So we have done some gardening :)
While at the markets I also bought some strawberry plants, six for ten dollars so I got six. They have survived so far, I have not had a lot of success with them before, but they are in pots and I am determined they with thrive.
The other thing I got at the markets was chokos, already sprouted and ready for planting, four of them. We planted them on the fence of the house yard, I have never grown these before so I am going to be doing some research. It also nearly killed me digging the holes for the chokos, the ground is hard and there are also some rocks, so they had better do really well :p
The rest of the garden is going well, some seeds haven't popped up so I am going to put some more in and do some fertilising and hopefully the blank spots will fill. I am hoping to build another garden bed in the next few weeks and get some more stuff in. For now, I am off to research chokos :)
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