I have been making fly screens for the windows and for the last two night have been able to leave the bedroom window open at night. For the last year we have has to sleep with the window closed and I hate it, no fresh air. We could have the window open in the daytime as we are not worried about the daytime creatures, but we don't want the night time creatures getting in, so now we have a fly screen.
Well, there is lovely fresh air coming in but also the sounds of all those night creatures. The frogs, crickets, cicadas, and I am sure the snakes and spiders contribute too. They are so loud that I have laid awake the last two nights for quite a while unable to sleep.
Our number one and only son had a friend sleep over last night, they were very happy with the cheesecake and ice cream last night, while watching movies, and pancakes, golden syrup and ice cream for breakfast. Though I did tell them not to tell other adults they had ice cream for breakfast :D
Busy today for me today, big clean up of the house, the Christmas decorations are getting in the way, need to move the boxes. At least the tree is finished and doesn't look too bad.
Our first ever white Christmas Tree
The grass is growing like crazy so I must get out the ride on mower and mow around the house and vege gardens at least. There is something dead behind the freezer, but I need to work myself up for that one, and I really need to clean out the fridge. Oh, and I have two more flysreens to make then that will all finished, I had better get cracking :P
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