However, despite all the technology, we still want the simple life, and I have been doing some cooking. I have a thing for peanut butter at the moment so I have been making peanut butter slice and biscuits, so yummy that I have pretend that they don't exist or I will eat them all ;)
I am going to a friend's place for a couple of days for a retreat, the first day I will be coming home at the end of the day, but the next day when I return I will be taking our number one and only son with me, and the tent. It should be good with lots of homemade food and cups of tea and good company, I think there will be about ten or so people there. I have made two banana cakes to take and I will be making quiche and a salmon mornay as well, can't wait to get there and have some food :D
I have picked a lonely cucumber out of the garden and also some more corn, there are many beans and the tomatoes are slowly starting to ripen. The pumpkin patch is getting larger and I can't wait until we have pumpkins on it.
The reticulation in the garden is slowly starting to work the way I want it to, still some more tweaking as I find patches of garden that are being missed by the water. The next bit to do will either be the other mounded gardens but I think they can wait as I haven't finished building them, so I will probably do the orchard, which is going along rather well. I think before I put reticulation in the orchard I will plant some more trees first, if I am going to do that much work I want to have as many trees in as I can.
Well, no rest for the wicked, have to have our home clean and tidy before deserting for a few days, get out the gear to take away, cook food to take away and get our dinner for tonight started. I need another me to help me :P
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