This morning I went and made a list of all the plants we put in over the weekend, and I must say I am pretty pleased with it and can't wait to put more in.
The driveway already looks better even with just these small plants in, and will look great when they are grown. Even though the ones on the fence line are smaller I don't think they will take long to grow.
This little one is a Water Cherry and I got two of these. According to the label it is a very rare type of native water cherry from Cape York Peninsula with snowy white flowers, and very decorative fruit. It doesn't say that I, personally, can eat the fruit but it is a bush tucker plant so I guess I can, better double check though :)
I think that this one is the NQ Bushy Form, Creek Satinash which has white flowers and edible pink fruit. I have made a map of what plants are what so that makes it easy to identify when actually looking at the plants.
I have also planted Lemon Aspen, which has fruit for jam, Satinwood, which has black fruit for eating and a Brush/Scrub Cherry,which has pink/purplish/red fruit which are good for jam. There is also another bush tucker plant of which I have two, but I didn't pick up one with a label and so am now waiting for my friend to ring me back with that info as she got about five of those ones (with labels I hope). Of course I also got Grevillia's and the tube stock were Bottlebrushes, Wattles and others whose names I don't recognise but look good.
I thought while I was out and about I would also do a map of the orchard, they are all still just babies yet, and I can't wait for them to grow and have lots of fruit.
The Indian Guava has made an incredible recovery and is looking magnificent, but the Abui just up and died :(
We planted the Tahitian Lime where the Abui was, just to even it all out. So glad we now have a lime tree, I was missing my tree from the old house, it won't be long before this one starts to fruit. Very good in many drinks and squeezed over avocado, YUM :D